lethbridge doula postpartum

From maiden to mother

congratulations!! whether it’s your first babe or your third, we are here to support your physical and emotional needs. we’ll talk about birth preferences, provide evidence based research, focus on what helps to make you feel comfortable and at ease. although our time together is only a blip in your journey, my goal is to help you advocate for yourself and empower you to make the choices that work best for you! support starts from contract signing to two weeks postpartum.

Training: DONA International Feb 2018

Birth SUpport Package starts $875. Home and HOSPITAL births.

 Ready to reach out for empowering birth support?




info you may want to INCLUDE: DUE DATE, BIRTHING LOCATION, PROVIDER, ETC. AND ANY QUESTIONS or CONCERNS YOU MAY HAVE. this inquiry for support can be any time during your pregnancy, but be aware that we can only take on a limited amount of births per month. my availibility is updated monthy on instagram.



WE’LL be in contact to set up a (socially distanced) face t0 face or online meet up with you and/or your partner. THIS IS WHEN I’LL ANSWER ANY IMMEDIATE QUESTIONS, TALK AVAILABILITY FOR BIRTH, clarify PRICING and get to know you a little more. We fully believe there is a doula for every woman, and we may or may not be the one for you, and that’s okay. Its all about getting you the best support for you.

Make it Official

yay! we are so happy to support you and glad yOU’VE decided that we are the right fit!

I’ll SEND OVER THE LINK TO THE CLIENT intake from. from there we will take care of the deposit payment AND CONTRACT AND OFFICIALLY GET things scheduled.

Get Acquainted

prenatally, we plan for 2 meetings to GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER AT YOUR home.

this is where we will lay much of the foundation for us to feel comfortable together and to identify your needs, your comforts, and have conversations that you may not have thought of before. YOur partner will, of course, be included and will be invloved with comfort measures, birth preferences, etc.


you are welcome to contact us at any time day or night wth questions, concerns, and updates (we love seeing photos of your bump!)

WE want to STAY IN TOUCH, WHETHER it be TEXT, INSTA, OR A PHONE CALLs. UPDATES AFTER APPOINTMENTS are always welcomed. this helps us build a full picture and to continue to get to you you better.

On Call

36 weeks and on.

we will have dedicated on call time for you from 36 week and on, if you sign with us after, on call will start immediatly. this means we will have our ringer on for birth if it starts at any time during the day/night.

It’s Time!

early labour, active labour, 2 hours, 18 hours. here for all of it.

we show up to your home or the hospital when you’ve determined that it’s time for additional support. some birthing people choose to just be with their partner for early labour and some want support right away. know that we are in it with you until the end, and we have to tools to support you for as long as you need.

Golden Hour +

First Latch, skin to skin, questions, feeding support.

whether you choose to breastfeed, pump, or formula feed, we are here for any initial help (in addition to your nurses help) in the hospital for 2 hours after birth.

Follow Up

Postpartum visit

one or two weeks after birth, we will come to your home and spend some time with you. you are welcome to connect with us before this with questions and concerns. here we can go over any issues and make referals if needed. this step is where birth doula support may transisiton into postpartum doula support. as we say our goodbyes, know we are always rooting for you and we always welcome bebe photo spam!